

A new programming language

How to use

TO compile just run

./project compile

It would make an executable as ./build/felan

Or you can compile and run with

./project run

Just like compile, it would make an executable as ./build/felan

To run code just send your source file to the program like

./build/felan some_path.felan
# or
./project run some_path.felan


To print Hello with no new line


To print Hello with a new line


To comment one line you can use C++ style comments

// This is a comment
print("Hi comment"); // This is another comment

To comment a block you can use C style comments

/* This is a comment */
/* This is another /* comment but it is /* nested */ */ */
print("Hi comment"/* Here another one */);

Identifier symbols are a way to use keywords as identifier

// This is the same as

To define variables you can use : operator

helloVar:String = "hello";