Requirements ------------ Setup contains some programs so you should install them. All of them are included in many linux distros like Arch and Void. zsh: main shell i3: window manager i3blocks: i3 status bar alacritty: terminal emulator neovim: best editor opendoas: sudo replacement brightnessctl: adjust brightness firefox: web browser pulseaudio: sound server pamixer: pulseaudio mixer dunst: notification daemon setxkbmap: set keyboard map unclutter: hide mouse cursor Installation ------------ You should copy and rename files to specific places. Make a backup from same files in my config and yours then continue. $ cp -ir config/* ~/.config $ cp -i zprofile ~/.zprofile $ cp -i bin/* ~/.local/bin Read '.zprofile' and create directories that you see in variables so programs can use them. Folders Structure ----------------- It's not necessary but just to know how my home looks like. - dl - src - doc - proj - media Zsh config ---------- For autosuggestion and syntax highlighting to this steps. I assume the place for them is 'src' so: $ cd ~/src You need to clone: url1 - url2 - I change the names because they are long $ alias hgit='git clone --depth=1 --no-tags --single-branch' $ hgit <url1> zsh-as $ hgit <url2> zsh-fsh Recommended ----------- This programs are not required but I recommend you to install. dash: run scripts faster tmux: terminal multiplexer mpv: media player curl: download/upload data scrot: screenshot utility xclip: clipboard for x11 ffmpeg: record and convert video pulsemixer: tui pulseaudio mixer nsxiv: image viewer fzf: fuzzy finder Donate ------ If you found my setup interesting, feel free to donate.