path: root/src/ui/tui.c
diff options
authorA404M <>2024-08-28 04:38:29 +0330
committerA404M <>2024-08-28 04:38:29 +0330
commit4c49de0cb60179f20fc579dfdba5aeca20be8abc (patch)
tree5034bafc384778c7041abb2cdb6819f9473b5291 /src/ui/tui.c
parente9d373a154f538ef316940a142f652dba1a9bea6 (diff)
fixed screen glitching
optimized the code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ui/tui.c')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/tui.c b/src/ui/tui.c
index 8ed59ce..0c88fde 100644
--- a/src/ui/tui.c
+++ b/src/ui/tui.c
@@ -29,11 +29,32 @@ void _tui_delete_callbacks(TUI *tui, int width) {
+void _tui_clear_cells(TUI *tui) {
+ const TERMINAL_CELL empty = {.c = ' ',
+ .color = COLOR_NO_COLOR,
+ .background_color = COLOR_NO_COLOR,
+ .on_click_callback = NULL};
+ for (int i = 0; i < tui->cells_length; ++i) {
+ tui->cells[i] = empty;
+ }
+void _tui_init_cells(TUI *tui) {
+ tui->cells_length = tui_get_width(tui) * tui_get_height(tui);
+ tui->cells = malloc(tui->cells_length * sizeof(TERMINAL_CELL));
+ _tui_clear_cells(tui);
+void _tui_delete_cells(TUI *tui) {
+ tui->cells_length = 0;
+ free(tui->cells);
+ tui->cells = NULL;
TUI *tui_init() {
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
TUI *tui = malloc(sizeof(TUI));
- tui->buffer = malloc(0);
tui_get_cursor_pos(tui, &tui->init_cursor_x, &tui->init_cursor_y);
@@ -52,6 +73,7 @@ TUI *tui_init() {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\e[?9h", 5);
+ _tui_init_cells(tui);
return tui;
@@ -81,7 +103,9 @@ void tui_refresh(TUI *tui) {
_tui_delete_callbacks(tui, width);
+ _tui_delete_cells(tui);
+ _tui_init_cells(tui);
int tui_get_width(TUI *tui) { return tui->size.ws_col; }
@@ -125,9 +149,29 @@ int tui_delete_before() { return printf("\b \b"); }
int tui_delete_under_cursor() { return printf(" \b"); }
-void tui_set_on_click_callback(TUI *tui, int x, int y,
- ON_CLICK_CALLBACK callback) {
- tui->on_click_callbacks[x][y] = callback;
+int _tui_get_cell_index(TUI *tui, int x, int y) {
+ const int width = tui_get_width(tui);
+ return x + width * y;
+void _tui_set_cell_char(TUI *tui, int x, int y, char c) {
+ tui->cells[_tui_get_cell_index(tui, x, y)].c = c;
+void _tui_set_cell_color(TUI *tui, int x, int y, COLOR color) {
+ tui->cells[_tui_get_cell_index(tui, x, y)].color = color;
+void _tui_set_cell_background_color(TUI *tui, int x, int y,
+ COLOR background_color) {
+ tui->cells[_tui_get_cell_index(tui, x, y)].background_color =
+ background_color;
+void _tui_set_cell_on_click_callback(TUI *tui, int x, int y,
+ ON_CLICK_CALLBACK on_click_callback) {
+ tui->cells[_tui_get_cell_index(tui, x, y)].on_click_callback =
+ on_click_callback;
void tui_handle_mouse_action(TUI *tui, MOUSE_ACTION mouse_action) {
@@ -215,9 +259,9 @@ void tui_start_app(TUI *tui, WIDGET_BUILDER widget_builder) {
tui_main_loop(tui, widget_builder);
-void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
- int width_end, int height_begin, int height_end,
- COLOR parent_color, int *child_width, int *child_height) {
+void _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
+ int width_end, int height_begin, int height_end,
+ int *child_width, int *child_height) {
switch (widget->type) {
const TEXT_METADATA *metadata = widget->metadata;
@@ -225,21 +269,20 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
const int textLen = strlen(metadata->text);
int height = height_begin;
for (; height < height_end; ++height) {
- tui_move_to(width_begin, height);
const int begin = (height - height_begin) * widthDiff;
- int end = begin + widthDiff;
- int shouldExit = 0;
- if (end > textLen) {
- end = textLen;
- shouldExit = 1;
+ const int end = begin + widthDiff;
+ for (int j = 0; j < end; ++j) {
+ const int x = width_begin + j;
+ const int y = height;
+ _tui_set_cell_color(tui, x, y, metadata->color);
+ const int index = begin + j;
+ if (index < textLen) {
+ _tui_set_cell_char(tui, x, y, metadata->text[index]);
+ }
- tui_change_terminal_text_color(metadata->color);
- tui_change_terminal_background_color(parent_color);
- write(STDOUT_FILENO, metadata->text + begin, end - begin);
- tui_change_terminal_background_color(COLOR_RESET);
- tui_change_terminal_text_color(COLOR_RESET);
- if (shouldExit) {
+ if (end > textLen) {
@@ -249,16 +292,13 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
} break;
const BUTTON_METADATA *metadata = widget->metadata;
- tui_move_to(width_begin, height_begin);
if (metadata->child != NULL) {
- _tui_draw_widget(tui, metadata->child, width_begin, width_end,
- height_begin, height_end, parent_color, child_width,
- child_height);
- /*printf("%d,%d\n\r",*child_width,*child_height);*/
- /*sleep(1);*/
+ _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(tui, metadata->child, width_begin, width_end,
+ height_begin, height_end, child_width,
+ child_height);
for (int i = width_begin; i < *child_width; ++i) {
for (int j = height_begin; j < *child_height; ++j) {
- tui_set_on_click_callback(tui, i, j, metadata->callback);
+ _tui_set_cell_on_click_callback(tui, i, j, metadata->callback);
@@ -270,8 +310,9 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
for (int i = 0; i < metadata->children->size; ++i) {
const WIDGET *child = metadata->children->widgets[i];
int width_temp;
- _tui_draw_widget(tui, child, width_begin, width_end, *child_height,
- height_end, parent_color, &width_temp, child_height);
+ _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(tui, child, width_begin, width_end,
+ *child_height, height_end, &width_temp,
+ child_height);
if (width_temp > *child_width) {
*child_width = width_temp;
@@ -284,8 +325,9 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
for (int i = 0; i < metadata->children->size; ++i) {
const WIDGET *child = metadata->children->widgets[i];
int height_temp;
- _tui_draw_widget(tui, child, *child_width, width_end, height_begin,
- height_end, parent_color, child_width, &height_temp);
+ _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(tui, child, *child_width, width_end,
+ height_begin, height_end, child_width,
+ &height_temp);
if (height_temp > *child_height) {
*child_height = height_temp;
@@ -306,18 +348,15 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
for (int y = height_begin; y < height_end; ++y) {
- tui_move_to(width_begin, y);
for (int x = width_begin; x < width_end; ++x) {
- tui_change_terminal_background_color(metadata->color);
- write(STDOUT_FILENO, " ", 1);
- tui_change_terminal_background_color(COLOR_RESET);
+ _tui_set_cell_background_color(tui, x, y, metadata->color);
if (metadata->child != NULL) {
int t0, t1;
- _tui_draw_widget(tui, metadata->child, width_begin, width_end,
- height_begin, height_end, metadata->color, &t0, &t1);
+ _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(tui, metadata->child, width_begin, width_end,
+ height_begin, height_end, &t0, &t1);
*child_width = width_end;
*child_height = height_end;
@@ -329,21 +368,71 @@ void _tui_draw_widget(TUI *tui, const WIDGET *widget, int width_begin,
+int _tui_get_background_color_ascii(COLOR color) {
+ if (color == COLOR_NO_COLOR) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (color == COLOR_RESET) {
+ return printf("\033[%dm", COLOR_RESET);
+ }
+ return printf("\033[%dm", color + 40);
+void _tui_draw_cells_to_terminal(TUI *tui) {
+ const size_t size_of_cell = 5 + 5 + sizeof(char) + 5;
+ const size_t size = tui->cells_length * (size_of_cell);
+ char str[(size + 1) * sizeof(char)];
+ str[0] = '\0';
+ char cell_str[5];
+ COLOR last_color = COLOR_NO_COLOR;
+ COLOR last_background_color = COLOR_NO_COLOR;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tui->cells_length; ++i) {
+ const TERMINAL_CELL cell = tui->cells[i];
+ if (last_color != cell.color ||
+ last_background_color != cell.background_color) {
+ sprintf(cell_str, "\033[%dm", COLOR_RESET);
+ strcat(str, cell_str);
+ last_color = cell.color; // TODO: run to know what to fix
+ last_background_color = cell.background_color;
+ if (cell.color == COLOR_RESET || cell.color == COLOR_NO_COLOR) {
+ sprintf(cell_str, "\033[%dm", COLOR_RESET);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(cell_str, "\033[%dm", cell.color + 30);
+ }
+ strcat(str, cell_str);
+ if (cell.background_color == COLOR_RESET ||
+ cell.background_color == COLOR_NO_COLOR) {
+ sprintf(cell_str, "\033[%dm", COLOR_RESET);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(cell_str, "\033[%dm", cell.background_color + 40);
+ }
+ strcat(str, cell_str);
+ }
+ strncat(str, &cell.c, 1);
+ }
+ const int len = strlen(str);
+ tui_move_to(0, 0);
+ write(STDOUT_FILENO, str, len);
void tui_main_loop(TUI *tui, WIDGET_BUILDER widget_builder) {
while (1) {
clock_t start = clock();
- tui_save_cursor();
- tui_clear_screen();
WIDGET *root_widget = widget_builder(tui);
+ tui_save_cursor();
+ _tui_clear_cells(tui);
int width, height;
- _tui_draw_widget(tui, root_widget, 0, tui_get_width(tui), 0,
- tui_get_height(tui), COLOR_NO_COLOR, &width, &height);
+ _tui_draw_widget_to_cells(tui, root_widget, 0, tui_get_width(tui), 0,
+ tui_get_height(tui), &width, &height);
+ _tui_draw_cells_to_terminal(tui);
- tui_move_to(30, 30);
- printf("time:%ld",clock()-start);
if (handle_input(tui)) {
@@ -359,6 +448,9 @@ WIDGET *tui_new_widget(WIDGET_TYPE type, void *metadata) {
void tui_delete_widget(WIDGET *widget) {
+ if (widget == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
switch (widget->type) {
@@ -438,8 +530,7 @@ void _tui_delete_column(WIDGET *column) {
WIDGET *tui_make_row(WIDGET_ARRAY *children) {
- return tui_new_widget(WIDGET_TYPE_ROW,
- _tui_make_row_metadata(children));
+ return tui_new_widget(WIDGET_TYPE_ROW, _tui_make_row_metadata(children));
ROW_METADATA *_tui_make_row_metadata(WIDGET_ARRAY *children) {
@@ -477,14 +568,14 @@ void _tui_delete_box(WIDGET *box) {
-WIDGET_ARRAY *tui_make_widget_array(int size,...){
+WIDGET_ARRAY *tui_make_widget_array(int size, ...) {
va_list arg_pointer;
va_start(arg_pointer, size);
- WIDGET **widgets = malloc(size*sizeof(WIDGET**));
+ WIDGET **widgets = malloc(size * sizeof(WIDGET **));
- for(int i = 0;i < size;++i){
- widgets[i] = va_arg(arg_pointer,WIDGET*);
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ widgets[i] = va_arg(arg_pointer, WIDGET *);